Copy Trading:

A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Investing

Copy Trading involves replicating the trades of a professional trader. As an ‘Investor,' you agree to copy and synchronize their trading strategies according to predefined principles and pay fees for this service. This approach represents an indirect trading method, where the trades executed by the provider are mirrored in your, the investor's, account.
In Copy Trading, three key parties are involved: The Provider, the Investor, and the Brokerage. In the following sections, we will detail the benefits of this trading method for each of these parties. Please continue reading to learn more about the advantages of Copy Trading.

1. Provider (Master) - Who are they in Otet?

In Otet, the Provider, often known as the Master, is essentially a professional trader who has demonstrated a history of positive trading results and significant successes. To become a Master in Otet's platform, this individual must first register and receive approval from the brokerage. Upon approval, they are allowed to select a preferred username, which helps in identifying them within the platform. A key responsibility of the Master is to set the initial deposit amount required for Copy Trading. This means that it is the Master, not the Investor, who decides the minimum capital needed to start copy trading with them. The Investor, on the other hand, is responsible for determining how much capital they are willing to commit to trading based on this requirement. This structure ensures that the Master's strategies are accessible to Investors with varying levels of capital, while also maintaining a standard of investment that aligns with the Master’s trading approach.

2. Where can one find and connect with a Master?

Otet features a Leaderboard, essentially the Copy Trading dashboard, displaying a complete list of providers. Here, the Master outlines the conditions and prerequisites for their strategies. After selecting the desired Master from the Leaderboard, the Investor connects their account to the Master's account. Once connected, the Investor can view all aspects of the Master's activities, including account name, open trades, strategies, and transaction history. An email notification is sent to the Master, informing them of a new investor subscribing to their strategies. The Master can observe the Investor's deposit amount and trade volume but has no access to the Investor's income or withdrawals. An email is also sent if the Investor decides to cancel Copy Trading, ensuring transparency.

3. Copycat (Investor) - Who are they in Otet?

The Copycat, also known as the Investor, is an individual who chooses not to engage in independent trading and instead opts to mirror the strategies of a professional trader. To participate in this arrangement on the Otet platform, the Investor must complete a registration process, have an active trading account, and make an initial deposit, the amount of which is set by the Master or Provider. The Investor has the opportunity to carefully review the trading histories of various traders listed on the Otet Leaderboard. This resource allows them to assess and select a trader whose strategies and successes align with their investment goals and risk appetite. Once the Investor has chosen a Provider, they need to deposit the required amount as specified by that Provider. With the deposit completed, the Copy Trading process is initiated, enabling the Investor to automatically replicate the trades made by the selected Provider. This system offers a streamlined and efficient way for Investors to leverage the expertise of professional traders without engaging in the complexities of trading themselves.

4. Can Investors make changes to their trades?

The advantage of copy trading is that investors can apply their desired changes if they wish. For example, when they feel the need to open a trade exactly opposite to a master trade, they can execute this command in their account. They can also set take profit, stop-loss, or limit for all their trades or adjust the trade volume. It is important to note that these changes apply to new positions opened by the master, meaning that no changes will be made to the trades in progress until they are closed.

5. Can Investors change their Master?

In Otet Markets, each customer can choose a maximum of 3 Copy Trading accounts and only 1 Master for each account. Based on this, they can change their preferred Master if they wish. However, please note that if you change the Master, all open trades copied from the provider's account will be closed, and any commission owed by the copier to the provider will be deducted from their account. In other words, investors cannot select a new Master without settling the commission owed to the previous one.

6. What is the minimum initial deposit for Copy Trading in Otet?

To initiate Copy Trading in Otet, one must register with the brokerage, open at least one trading account, and make a minimum deposit of $100. If an account already exists, there is no need to deposit again, and Copy Trading can commence with the amount specified by the Master.

7. Is the provider able to access the copy trader's capital?

In copy trading, the Provider or Master does not have direct access to the Investor's (Copy Trader's) capital. The Investor retains full ownership and control over their funds. This means that the capital remains in the Investor's account, and no one else, including the Provider, has the ability to access or manage these funds directly.

What are the advantages of Copy Trading at Otet?

Otet, as a bridge between the Master and investors, has created profitable opportunities for all its users, regardless of their level of knowledge and skills. Individuals with different levels of expertise can trade in the easiest way by relying on the experience and outstanding track record of professional traders. Some of the advantages of Copy Trading at Otet include:


The primary advantage of Otet's Copy Trading is that you can trade without directly engaging in the emotions and fluctuations of financial markets. If you find a good provider, you can benefit from their trading profits.

Easy Access

Copy Trading is accessible to all investors at any level of trading skill and knowledge. Even if you are a trader, with Copy Trading, you have the opportunity to continue trading without actively participating in the market, relying on the success of other traders.

Reduced Loss

Another advantage of Copy Trading at Otet is that you can set a loss limit for replicated trades, reducing the risk of capital.

Increased Profit Multiplier

In Copy Trading on Otet, you have the opportunity to invest in the trades of multiple different traders, allowing you to potentially increase your profit multiplier. This means that even if one trade incurs a loss; you might be in profit with another trade. Keep in mind that you can open multiple investor accounts to copy from several providers (Masters) simultaneously.

Transparency in Copy Trading System

Transparency in the copy trading system allows you to fully view the history and details of master accounts. You can stay informed about all their activities, and with comprehensive information, choose the most suitable master for your investment account.

Optimal Use of Time:

Copying from expert hands saves time, making it a suitable option for busy individuals who don't have enough time to constantly monitor financial markets.

Diversification and Risk Reduction

Copying the strategies of multiple traders helps diversify the risk across different assets, increases the chances of profit, and reduces the likelihood of loss. By copying several traders with different strategies, you can have a diverse portfolio and experience various risks and returns in your investment journey.

Educational Opportunity:

In addition to the mentioned advantages, Copy Trading at Otet is an excellent learning opportunity for novice investors to better understand trading strategies and the ups and downs of financial markets, benefiting from the knowledge and experience of experienced professionals.

Other advantages of Otet's Copy Trading include:

Who is Copy Trading suitable for?

Copy Trading is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:

Novice investors:

Individuals who lack sufficient experience for informed decision-making in complex financial markets.

Busy professionals:

People with tight work schedules who want to have a presence in the market but don't have enough time for active portfolio management.

Risk-averse investors:

Individuals who prefer an indirect approach and seek strategies with lower risk compared to their individual decisions.

Learning and Diversity Seekers:

Those seeking learning opportunities and diversity in their investment portfolio.

Copy Trading means selecting a trader as an investor, and based on the contract you make, all their activities are automatically copied to your account. In Social Trading, traders come together, sharing their strategies and solutions with each other to collectively achieve more profit.
In Social Trading, groups often seek firsthand information to make decisions on opening or not opening a trade. In Copy Trading, the individual wants to directly benefit from the experience of professionals by paying a fee.

Mirror Trading is another investment method in the trading market. In this approach, all the activities of a professional trader are instantly copied to your account. However, unlike Copy Trading, in Mirror Trading, you can't have any control over the trades, and everything is automated. This is in contrast to Rewriting Trades, where investors can exit a trade at any moment.

Final Words

Copy trading is accessible to everyone, regardless of your level of trading skill or knowledge, whether you're an experienced trader or just starting the trading journey. By choosing the right provider, you can benefit from the expertise of professionals, and all of this relies on selecting an appropriate broker. Because one of the three essential components of copy trading is the broker, providing the necessary platform and facilities for both parties involved in such transactions.
At Otet, precisely the same broker offering over 500 trading symbols, cTrader and MetaTrader platforms, quick and easy deposits and withdrawals, and access to experienced traders with an outstanding track record has smoothed the path for its clients in copy trading.
With Otet, as an investor, you have the flexibility to cancel this agreement at your convenience, set profit and loss limits whenever you see fit, open a reverse trade to what the master has initiated, adjust trade volume, or even set limits for it.
In essence, copy trading at Otet is a completely optional and discretionary activity, and at any time you wish to discontinue, you can exit this plan, or modify it as you prefer. With these insights, it can be said that Otet's Copy Trading is one of the safest ways to start on a sweet and, of course, thrilling trading journey.

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